UNE Business School Student Learning Guide
10. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and using as one’s own the thoughts or writings of another without acknowledgment. You must comply with the University’s policies on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct as described in the following policy:
Your work will be checked for originality.
Your responsibilities are to:
- Read, understand and respect the policies on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct found at the website above;
- Familiarise yourself with the conventions of referencing for your discipline(s);
- Avoid all acts which could be considered plagiarism;
- Seek assistance from appropriate sources with any academic writing areas where you are aware you need more knowledge and skills;
- Submit a separate signed and dated Plagiarism Declaration Form with every task, report, dissertation or thesis submitted for assessment or examination;
- Be aware that when you submit an assignment electronically, you are deemed to have signed the declaration.
Avoiding Plagiarism
You should refer to the following websites or to academic units for further advice and assistance:
The following links to the Academic Skills Office provide more information on plagiarism.