The accordions below provide key information around student expectations & support services at UNE.


In line with section 20 of the UNE Assessment Guidelines, assessment tasks will be marked within 21 calendar days from the designated assessment task due date, or the submission date if submitted beyond the original due date.

Timely feedback on assessment tasks can be given in a number of forms, as appropriate for your unit and marker. Some common forms may include descriptive feedback provided directly to Moodle, or through rubrics and assignment annotation either in PDF or via the GradeMark online marking system.

Further details about accessing this feedback can be found via the 'Grades and Feedback' page at Learning Online at UNE.

Specific details on how and in what form feedback will be provided on a per unit basis will be provided by your Unit Coordinator.

Moderation is the process of ensuring that assessment criteria are consistently applied by different markers and that grades are allocated consistently with reference to how well the stipulated criteria are met. Moderation involves teaching staff and markers discussing and reaching agreement about how the criteria are demonstrated at different standards for each assessment task (e.g. through the establishment of a marking scheme). Samples of students’ assessed work are then checked to verify that assessment criteria have been consistently applied.

Moderation processes are an integral part of the assessment system for each unit where multiple markers are involved to ensure fair and equitable marking and grading of assessment tasks and maintenance of standards.

Returnable assessment items (other than scripts from supervised examinations) should be marked and returned to students within 21 calendar days after the final date for submission or extension date.

Assessment word limits are identified in the UNE Course Handbook, and the Unit Information and Assessment Overview in each unit. Students are encouraged to achieve the word limit. Note, a 10% leeway (over and under) is acceptable, assessments going beyond the leeway may be penalised. Word limits do not include reference lists or cover sheets (if applicable).


In line with section 20 of the UNE Assessment Policy, assessment tasks submitted after the due date and time without an approved extension will incur a late submission penalty. The following provisions apply:

    • A deduction of 5% of the total marks for the assessment task for each calendar day or part day after the due date will be applied.
    • An assessment task received more than ten (10) calendar days after the due date without an approved extension will receive 0% for the task.
    • Where a task is mandatory to submit in order to complete a unit, a task received more than ten (10) calendar days after the due date but within the relevant teaching period will be deemed as having been submitted.
    • The Unit Coordinator will inform affected students when late submission penalties are applied upon completion of marking.
    In line with section 17 of the UNE Assessment Guidelines, students can apply for an extension for assessment tasks.
    The following guidelines apply to extensions:
    • Granting of extensions is at the discretion of the Unit Coordinator and is not automatic.
    • Extensions can only be granted if the due date falls within the teaching period in which the student is enrolled.
    • Extensions of up to 7 calendar days may be granted without supporting documentation at the discretion of the Unit Coordinator, however, documentation may still be requested. 
    • Extensions of more than 7 calendar days require supporting documentation such as, but not limited to, medical certificates, death notices, supporting letters from employer etc.
    • For students seeking an assignment Extension:
      • for units featuring the 7 Day Extension system you can adjust your short extension directly, without documentation unless otherwise stated, for up to the duration listed, within the unit at the top of your Assessment Tasks tile.
      • for longer extensions, or for units without this system in place you will need to make a request by completing the online webform available here.
      • requests must be made before the due date. Requests submitted after the due date and time will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
    • If the extension is granted, students should attach the Unit Coordinator’s approval to their assessment task when submitting it.

    If an extension is required beyond the final day of the relevant teaching period in which a student is enrolled, students must apply for a Special Extension of Time (SET).

    Due to personal health issues, unforeseen technical issues, unexpected work or family commitments or other extenuating circumstances, a student may be unable to complete an assessment task within the relevant teaching period.

    • Students who find they cannot complete an assessment task by the end of the Trimester in which they are enrolled, must apply for a Special Extension of Time (SET).
    • Applications must be received by Student Central no later than five working days after the start of the Trimester's exam period, even if your unit has no exam. You should, however, submit your application as soon as you are aware that you require an extension.
    • Late SET applications may be accepted in the event of special circumstances, e.g. hospitalisation, where these special circumstances are adequately documented.
    • All SET applications must include supporting documentation.
    • Only one SET will be granted per assessment task (no “SET on a SET”).
    • SETs are for non-examination assessment tasks.

    >> Apply for a Special Extension of Time (SET) in AskUNE

    Students are reminded that all SET applications require supporting evidence that the situation was both unavoidable and unforeseen, and prevented the meeting of assessment deadlines. Applications that do not include this evidence WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 

    SET application will be checked to establish whether or not the student has made successive and/or frequent SET applications on the same or similar grounds, and if so, whether the student has sought assistance from the University’s Student Accessibility and Wellbeing Team. 


    Credit may be granted for assessment tasks or professional experience, for previous unit attempts. This is subject to the conditions set out below:

      • Granting of Carrying Forward of Marks is at the discretion of the Unit Coordinator or Manager, Office of Professional Learning (for professional experience placements), and is not automatic.
      • Credit for academic assessment tasks, will only be considered where an assessment task achieved a Credit or higher level (65% or above).
      • Credit will not normally be carried forward if the completed assessment task is more than 12 months old.
      • If applying for CFoM for the placement for any of the GTPA units, it will be evaluated by the GTPA Lead before going to OPL. Ordinary assignments will still be evaluated by the Unit Coordinator.

        >> Apply for Carrying Forward of Marks in AskUNE

        Please be aware that marks for assessment tasks displayed through the Moodle site are provided as a guide to your progress in the unit. These are not your official grades for the unit.

        Official results, which may vary from those displayed on the Moodle site, are only available following their consideration and approval at the relevant School Examination Board, and ratified by Examinations and Results, Student Administration and Services Directorate at the end of each teaching period.

        A breakdown of UNE's grading bands and result codes can be found below.

        HD: High Distinction (85% and above)
        Excellent performance indicating complete and comprehensive understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic and higher order intended unit objectives and graduate attributes linked to the assessment tasks; minimal or no errors of fact, omission and/or application present; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a very high level of required skills; demonstrated very high level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; very high level of competence.

        D: Distinction (75 to 84%)
        Very good performance indicating reasonably complete and comprehensive understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic and most higher-order unit objectives and graduate attributes linked to the assessment tasks; some minor flaws; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a high level of required skills; demonstrated high level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; high level of competence.

        C: Credit (65 to 74%)
        Good performance indicating reasonable and well-rounded understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic but only a few higher-order intended unit objectives and graduate attributes linked to the tasks; a few more serious flaws or several minor ones; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a reasonable level of most required skills; demonstrated reasonable level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; reasonable level of competence.

        P: Pass (50 to 64%)
        Satisfactory performance indicating adequate but incomplete or less well- rounded understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves many basic but very few or none of the higher-order intended unit objectives and graduate attributes linked to the assessment tasks; several serious flaws or many minor ones; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of an adequate level of an acceptable number of required skills; demonstrated adequate level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; adequate level of competence.

        N: Fail (Less than 50%)
        Unsatisfactory performance indicating inadequate and insufficient understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves few or none of the basic and higher-order intended unit objectives and graduate attributes linked to the assessment tasks; numerous substantive errors of fact, omission and/or application present; clear and unambiguous evidence of non-possession of most or all required skills; insufficiently demonstrated level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; fails to address the specific criteria; inadequate level of competence.

        NC: Compulsory Fail
        This grade is used when an assessment task, such as a final examination, that must be passed in order to pass the unit (as detailed in the Unit Requirements) has not been passed (resulting in a fail in the unit), but where the overall mark is 50% or higher.

        NI: Fail Incomplete
        One or more mandatory requirements for the completion of the unit (as detailed in the unit requirements) were not fulfilled.

        SR / US: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
        In some units, the grading system is organised on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (pass/fail) basis. When this grading system is used the appropriate interpretive descriptors to apply will be those for the grade of at least Pass or Fail.

        W: Withdrawn
        The student withdrew from the unit without academic penalty.

        WN: Withdrawn Fail
        Withdrawn and deemed to have failed the unit.

        WUN: Withdrawn by University and Deemed to have Failed
        Withdrawn by University and deemed to have failed the unit.

        RU: Result Unavailable
        Result is temporarily unavailable

        SET: Special Extension of Time
        A Special Extension of Time has been granted for an assessment item in the unit.

        A full list of additional result codes can be found via AskUNE and in policy.

        In line with the University's Assessment Appeals Guidelines , if a student feels there are grounds for contesting the following items, they can submit an appeal. 

        • Unit Assessment Results
        • Student Placement Results
        • Application of school assessment policies and procedures
        • Application of extensions and special assessments
        • Exclusion for insufficient course progression

        If a student is concerned about the result achieved in an assessment task in a unit, it is recommended, though not mandatory, that they consult with the staff member who marked the assessment task, the Unit Coordinator or for placements the Unit Coordinator or delegate, as soon as possible after receiving the mark to gain an understanding of the basis for the result and discuss any issues.

        Students should note that an appeal cannot be based on:

        • disagreement with the approved unit objectives, assessment methodology or the assessment criteria;
        • disparity with grades awarded in other units;
        • disparity of grade with the effort and time expended on the assessment task; and
        • general unspecified grievances.

        The possible outcomes of an Appeal Against an Academic Assessment are:

        • Appeal is upheld and a re-mark or the original submission is conducted
        • Appeal is dismissed

        >> Apply for an Assessment Appeal via the Appeal Against an Academic Assessment Form 

        Students wishing to lodge an appeal in relation to unit assessment; practical and/or professional experience assessment; the application of faculty policies; Special Examinations; and Special Extensions of Time, should consult the University's  Academic Assessment Appeals Policy and  Academic Assessment Appeals Procedures.

        Last modified: Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 10:23 AM