General UNE wide advice on how you can appropriately use Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) and software tools? 

GenAI tools can help you develop your knowledge and skills, however it is important to use these tools in appropriate and ethical ways. If you use a genAI tool in your learning or assessment, please keep in mind the following: 

  • Check guidance from Unit Coordinators and assessment instructions for information about the use of genAI in each unit and each assessment task. If genAI use is not permitted, please do not use genAI tools. 
  • Before using any genAI tool, take time to investigate how it works, including the data it was trained on. This will help you understand potential strengths and limitations. 
  • Check any output against other sources of information. GenAI tools may present inaccurate, biased or outdated information, or make up or misrepresent sources. Given these limitations, it is essential for you to apply your own knowledge of the subject and your critical thinking skills to assess the genAI output. 
  • Always use genAI tools in conjunction with other sources to ensure accuracy and reliability in work you present. 
  • Like any source, reference any output from genAI in your assessment (and in the reference list) in accordance with the referencing requirements of the unit. It is important to acknowledge the work of others in your assignment. 
  • Use genAI content as guidance or a prompt for further research or consideration. Ensure that all work submitted is your own, and not copied from a genAI tool. 
  • Always consider the ethical implications of using genAI and be mindful of the privacy of your own, and others’, information. As a general rule, don’t give genAI personal or confidential information. 

If you’re unsure about the appropriate use of genAI, please contact your Unit Coordinator or UNE’s Academic Skills Office. Getting feedback and advice early can assist you in using genAI in appropriate ways and avoid unintentional errors in use – which could lead to an allegation of academic misconduct.

Last modified: Thursday, 22 February 2024, 7:09 PM