About Chat

Moodle Chat iconMoodle Chat allows participants to participate in a live text discussion via the web within your unit site. Not every unit utilises this function.


How will I know if my unit has chat?

The teaching staff will provide information about upcoming chat sessions. If a session has already been set up in myLearn, it will listed in the Activities block on the side. Clicking on the Chat link will open a page with all the chat sessions set up for your unit. Click on any of these to view more details.

Entering and using chat

You will need to allow pop-ups within your browser software on your computer to use the Chat tool.

Once you are in the chat room, you will be able to see who else is currently in the chat. To see other users profiles, click their picture. This will open a new window with their profile information.

To contribute to the chat, just type in the small white rectangle and press the Enter (or return) key.

It may be possible to see the chat log from previous chat sessions.

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 2:29 PM