This page runs you through some initial things to think about in relation to your assessments at UNE.
Assessment rule
Information regarding all aspects of assessment can be found in the Assessment Rule.
There are a number of referencing styles in use at UNE. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the conventions of referencing for your discipline(s); See the referencing page for the style relevant to your discipline. Also check each of your units online myLearn sites to see if your units have specific requirements or options.
Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct and plagiarism are considered to be serious forms of misbehaviour at UNE. Students who engage in such misbehaviour run the risk of receiving penalties ranging from a loss of marks to, in severe cases, expulsion from the University. Fortunately, academic misconduct and plagiarism are easy to avoid if you follow a few simple principles.
Your responsibility
It is your responsibility to:
- Read, understand and comply with the rules on Students Coursework Academic Misconduct Rule;
- Familiarise yourself with the conventions of referencing for your discipline(s);
- Seek appropriate assistance when required; and
- Successfully undertake the self-test module on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct before submitting your first piece of assessable work.
Avoiding plagiarism
You should refer to the Academic Integrity Module, which includes both practical exercises and links to resources designed to help you understand what it means to act with academic integrity and the consequences of misconduct.
Plagiarism declaration
When you submit an assignment via myLearn you are asked to accept a declaration before submission. Assignments submitted in hard copy must include an assignment coversheet with signed plagiarism declaration form.
Students wishing to lodge an appeal in relation to unit assessment; practical and/or professional experience assessment; the application of faculty policies; Special Examinations; and Special Extensions of Time, should consult the University's Academic Assessment Appeals Policy.