Learning Online at UNE
Getting assistance
Getting help!
During your time at UNE it is likely that you will require support in some way. There are many avenues for this, below is a list of support services and study support services. It would be worth bookmarking the UNE Student Support and Services page for future reference.
When and where to go for help
In addition to study support and short courses there are a variety of departments around the university that you can contact for all sort of issues. Below is a list of the different places that you can go for support throughout your studies. Each heading contains a description of the service available and a stepped out process of how best to contact them.
We can assist with
- simple enrolment advice
- course rules & programs of study
- changing course modes
- change of details
- campus verifications
- taking a break (intermission)
- withdrawing from units
- general advice
- invalid units/waiver requests
- principal dates.
While we cannot necessarily assist with every aspect of your questions we can find the appropriate place to send the enquiry.
For support:
- Explore the Student support website
- Lodge question via AskUNE.
- Email via askune@une.edu.au .
- Call 6773 2000.
- Utilise the Live Chat.
We can assist with all IT related problems. This includes:
- assistance with logging in and passwords,
- switching between email accounts,
- device issues,
- saving files to OneDrive automatically and more.
For support:
- Explore UNE ServiceNow Knowledge Base articles for troubleshooting.
- Submit your question via AskUNE.
- Call the IT Service Desk on 6773 5000.
Our team can help you out with accessing or booking exams online. We can assist with answering your questions related to
- SAP exam adjustments
- Special Assessment applications
- Requests for official academic transcripts
- Exam timetables and individual exam schedule flexibility
- Alternative Assessment applications.
For support:
- Contact via AskUNE.
- For urgent issues call directly on 6773 2145
We provide advice and support for international students including:
- Student Visa enrolment requirements. This includes your online enrolment allowance and full-time course load requirements.
- Requests for under-enrolling in a mandatory trimester (Trimester 1 and 2).
- Letters that your may require, e.g. enrolment, progression, invitation letters.
- Providing new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoEs) if you need to extend your studies or apply for a new Student Visa.
- Requests to suspend, withdraw or transfer your course.
For support:
- Check out the International Student Hub in Moodle. All International students are enrolled at the start of your studies.
- Contact the International team via AskUNE.
- Email internationalservices@une.edu.au or call 6773 3192.
At the Oorala Aboriginal Centre we support Indigenous students.
- Our Engagement Team can provide advice about your admission or enrolment, etc.
- Our Academic Team can help whenever you are unsure about any aspect of your units of study which we teach.
For support:
As a part of the Student Counselling and Psychological Service, we provide
- Individual Wellness Checks
- Counselling
- Study Gym appointments.
We encourage proactive access. If you have a diagnosed condition or are anticipating stressors, reach out early. We recognise that reactive access is equally important. You can reach out in reaction to situational stressors or an unexpected deterioration of mental wellbeing.
We prefer that you contact us directly. However, we know that mental health concerns are complex and often unpredictable. You will be directed to us no matter which services around UNE you reach out to. You can also be referred by
- a GP at the UNE Medical Centre
- via your unit coordinator
- PASS learning
- College Residential Leader or Head Contact.
Contact process:
- Explore the Counselling and Psychological Services [CAPS] website.
- Book an appointment via:
- Call (02) 6773 2897,
- Email studentcounselling@une.edu.au
- Contact via AskUNE.
Study Support at UNE
The Academic Skills Office (ASO) is here to help you succeed in your studies and help you develop independent study skills by offering a range of free services and resources in:- writing essays,
- academic reading,
- study strategies,
- referencing and avoiding plagiarism, and
- exam preparation.
ASO also provide self-paced tutorials on:- academic writing,
- referencing, and
- academic reading.
You can also contact ASO staff support directly to ask for help.
Find contact details on the Academic Skills Office Support website.
Digital research can feel a bit overwhelming at times. With so many resources available it can sometimes be hard to find what you need. UNE Library is here to help you find the best information for your study and research.Through the Library you can find:- eBooks, articles, videos and other research material,
- online guides to research material in your subject area,
- assistance with borrowing,
- digitisation services,
- general help, and
- individual consultations.
The Library can help you with finding the right information for your assignments.- UNE Library
- Welcome to UNE Library - Library Essentials.
- Improve your search.
- Find research material.
- Library Support - Send a query, read our FAQs, sign up for a workshop or book an appointment with a librarian.
For discipline-specific learning for your course and units, contact your First Year/Academic Advisor.Find more information and the first year advisor for your discipline area on the First Year and Academic Advisors page.The Student Accessibility & Wellbeing Office (SAWO) is here to create an inclusive learning environment for UNE’s diverse population of students by supporting students to overcome barriers to their university studies.Find more information on the Student Access and Inclusion page.As an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student, find guidance from a community of experts throughout your study.Not quite sure what you need?
Your best bet, if you're not sure exactly what you need is to contact Student Connect and they will do all they can to guide you to where you need to be!