Friday, 25 October 2024, 9:10 AM
Global: UNE myLearn
Site: Learning Online at UNE (Learning Online at UNE)
Glossary: Did you know?

Echo360 Active Learning Platform

When accessing lecture recordings, if you right click on the link, it will open Active Learning Platform in a new tab and leave your Moodle site open for you to return to.


Forward your email

You can have all emails that are sent to your UNE email address forwarded on to another email address. See this AskUNE answer Forwarding your UNE webmail to another email address for details.


NEW CONTENT: Generative AI and Academic Integrity at UNE

There is new content available to help you to better understand UNE's stance and how you can ethically use Generative AI. You will also know how Generative AI can be used to maintain academic integrity.

Generative AI Modules: 
  • What is Generative AI?
  • General Principles for Use of Generative AI
  • TurnItIn Detection and AI
  • Referencing Generative AI
  • Example Case Study 
Once you complete this new content, you will receive a Generative AI and Academic Integrity Badge

AI Badge


Online classroom

UNE uses Zoom software to conduct online tutorials and discussions. Zoom works with the latest iOS and Android apps. Find out more on our Zoom page.


Turnitin Self Check

CheckStudents have access to a Turnitin self-check site where you can submit files before marking them. Your self-check report does not check against other student papers which means you will see a lower similarity score.


UNE's lecture recording system

UNE uses Echo360 Active Learning Platform for many units that record lectures. Look for the Lecture Recordings link usually located in either the Unit Orientation or Unit Resources section of your unit.

Echo360 link

See Viewing lecture recordings for details.


When will you lose access?

Generally you will continue to have access to your Moodle units until 20 days after results have been released for that Trimester. If you have been granted a Special Extension of Time (SET) access will continue until that time has expired.


You can choose which forums to receive emails

Click the Subscribe link when viewing a forum

Subscribe to forum button

See managing your Email for details.

You can download a PDF of assignments marked using GradeMark

Some markers use GradeMark to mark assignments electronically. You can download a PDF copy of your marked assignment by opening the marked copy, clicking on the Download icon and selecting Current View.

Grademark page showing the download icon at right hand side of the page

See Viewing marks and feedback for more details.