Umbrella - Grounded Theory

A Grounded Theory framework would provide a mechanism to embrace all the above elements thus providing a research based tool for informing our direction/path. There are 3 basic flavours of Grounded theory:

  • Glasser and Strauss
  • Strauss and Corbin
  • Charmaz

The most suitable for ASELL to adopt would be the Constructivist Grounded Theory by Kathy Charmaz. The Charmaz version of grounded theory takes the middle ground between postmodernism and positivism thus provides a bridge between science and social science for the ASELL team to operate. It would provide a mechanism to manage, collect, analyse and make informed decisions.

Grounded Theory would house the overarching research questions and act as an 'umbrella' to collect, collate and make sense of all the individual research initiatives. 

Further Detailed Resources on Grounded Theory 

Please see

Last modified: Thursday, 21 May 2015, 10:27 PM