New UNE Student Email system (Monday, 26th November 2012)

New UNE Student Email system (Monday, 26th November 2012)

by Martina Linnemann -
Number of replies: 0
From Monday, 26th November 2012 (midday) your UNE student email will be in the new Office365 email system. Office365 is a cloud based email system that offers you a 25GB mailbox as well as calendar and contacts in an easy to use system that can be accessed from the, through an email desktop client or your mobile device. Your login details will be your new email address as the username ( with your standard UNE password.
Your old email system ("Webmail") will be unavailable from Friday, 23rd November 2012 (9am).  No emails will be lost; any existing emails will be transferred to the new system and any emails sent over the weekend will be available in the new system from Monday. 


What do you need to do?
Your email address will change to – please update all your contacts / subscriptions with the new address over the next 12 months (your old email address will continue to receive emails  for another 12 months).

You will also need to update the settings on your mail clients and set up forwarding to another email account if this is currently in place for your account. Please check your emails  or visit for updates and details on the new email system.
You can also contact the IT Service Desk for information (via AskUNE, or 02 6773 5000 or 1800 763 040.)