Moodle live for Graduate School of Business students on Monday

Moodle live for Graduate School of Business students on Monday

by Myles Carrick -
Number of replies: 0

The academic and support teams in the Graduate School of Business (GSB) are busily preparing Moodle units for delivery for students.

Additionally, in the last week we've made our regular weekly improvements to Moodle, including:

  • Additional footer links to include all sorts of helpful resource areas (mainly to do with the Library)
  • A new "Group Select" module to allow students to choose their own groups (for assignments, etc)
  • Lots of improvements to the links with our Adobe Connect server

This week we'll be ensuring that things are rock solid for our new GSB students, including:

  • The bridge to MyUNE - so students can click through in the usual way
  • The bulk printing system for student assignments
  • Configuration of plagiarism education and detection

As always, if you have any questions or need help, be sure to contact us for support via AskUNE